Tubular Cast Off Technique


The tubular cast off is a sewn cast off that provides a mirrored edge to the tubular cast on. It creates a beautiful, rounded, stretchy edge perfect for socks, cowls, cuffs, and neck edges that finish in 1×1 ribbing (you can use it for 2×2 but that method is slightly different). It can be worked in the flat or in the round, here we will work it in the round.

It begins with set-up rounds which separate the knit and purl stitches into two layers. These layers are then sewn together to complete the cast off.

Additional Materials

Darning needle
2 Locking stitch markers

Set-Up Rounds

Round 1 – *K1, sl1p with yarn in front; repeat from * until end of round.
On this round you are knitting the knit sts and slipping the purl sts.
Round 2 – *Sl1p with yarn in back, yf, p1, yb; repeat from * until end of round.
On this round you are slipping the knit sts and purling the slipped purl sts from the previous round.
Round 3 – Repeat Round 1.
Round 4 – Repeat Round 2.

Measure the circumference of your work and cut yarn tail to 3 times this length. Thread onto a darning needle.

Step 1 – Place a locking stitch marker on first knit st and leave at front of work.
Step 2 – Take darning needle through first st knitwise and slip off knitting needle.
Step 3 – Skip the next st (purl st), take darning needle through front of next st (knit st) purlwise. Pull darning needle and yarn tail all the way through.
Step 4- Place second locking stitch marker on first purl st and leave at back of work.
Step 5 -Take darning needle through first purl st purlwise and slip off knitting needle.
Step 6 – Bring darning needle between next 2 sts from back to front.
Step 7 – Catch the front leg of next purl st, bring to back of work.
Step 8 – Pull darning needle and yarn tail all the way through.

To cast off remainder of round:

When next st is a knit st: Repeat steps 2 and 3.
When next st is a purl st: Repeat steps 5-8.
Work all sts until 2 sts remain.

To complete cast off:

Slide sts to opposite end of knitting needle and pick up the knit st with the locking marker at the front of your work.
Now pick up the purl st with the locking marker at the back of your work.
Slide sts back to other end of needle and repeat steps 2-3 and 5-8.

Slide remaining 2 sts off knitting needle.

Sew in the yarn tail.

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